React Amsterdam 2017

Last Friday I attended my first React conference. It took place in Amsterdam. So once again I got the opportunity to visit Amsterdam because of a conference. I want to thank organizers of PragueJS meetup for giving me a ticket!

This was my biggest conference I ever attended and I must say the organization was pretty good. Location and technical production were perfect and overall I feel pretty positive about the conference.

It started on Thursday when Tomislav Tenodi organized unofficial warmup party. I love those small events when I'm forced to talk to people. For me it's so much easier to meet people and it gets me into networking mood for a conference.


Coding Mobile with the Pros

Gant Laborde started the React Native track. His company Infinite Red maintains some pretty interesting project and he came to introduce them.

Reactotron - Headlined a desktop app for inspecting your React Native projects. You can inspect and change the apps state from nice and simple UI.

Ignite - Great tool to simplify library usage. It links a library into your app and generates examples. Will definitely try it.

A Real-World GraphQL Application in Production

Stefano Masini presented advanced how they build GraphQL server at scale. He presented some interesting ways to introduce caching and organize mutations. Architecture they used is called Hexagonal Architecture. He was also discussing GraphQL Subscriptions. They faced the problem of correctly subscribing to events. The approach they ended up using was to send all events happening on a page to a single channel.

Test Like It's 2017

Michele Bertoli is testing obsessed front end engineer working at Facebook. He presented few tools that will help us with testing.

Jest utilities for Styled Components - Includes styled-components generated css in snapshots.

Snapguidist do snapshot-based testing inside your React Styleguidist styleguide.

StoryShots exactly same for React Storybook.

React Fix It is a great tool which generates test when exceptions occurs. Why should we manually reproduce test case when the browser has all the info to generate it.

Navigating React Native Navigation

Kurtis Kemple and his team invested quite some time into investigating which router would suit them the most. He decided to share their learnings with us.

Native Navigation promising approach based on building thin layer over native components.

React Navigation is aiming to share navigation logic between mobile apps, web apps, and server rendering.

I personally have used React Native Router and I'm quite happy with it.

Complexity: Divide and Conquer!

Michel Weststrate author of MobX shared his thoughts on managing complexity.

What does reactive mean? Separate when and how. What does it mean? Well that you can separate your app login from view layer(React).

I also learned one new MobX function called when.

Flow Typing a React Codebase

Forbes Lindesay author of Cabbie a webdriver client for node.js and front end engineer at Facebook has shared his tips on flow.

  • Mark files for typechecking using //@flow.
  • Use any type only for experiments.
  • mixed type is fine, it means that return value doesn't matter.
  • Use Exact object types it helps you catch some typos.
  • Use read-only properties by default.

Party warmup

Vincent Riemer author of fully recreated web-based TR-808 drum machine and Bruce Lane have prepared audiovisual party warmup talk about sound in React.

And at the afterparty I finally managed to meet Max Stoiber. He was mentor of a Rails Girls SoC team I was coaching.

Amsterdam and around

This time I was staying at Haarlem. City about 15 minutes by train away from Amsterdam Centraal. The day after conference I decided to take a hike through Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland.

Then I really needed coffee so went back to Screaming Beans coffee. It's lovely small café with tasty coffee.